
Mira Pavlovic

Invited Professor, External Consultant

Mira Pavlovic is expert for regulatory and health technology science and market access requirements in Europe. In addition to working in clinical dermatology, Mira served as a Head of Scientific Advice at the French Medicines Agency (ANSM) and was Scientific Advice Working Party Vice-Chair at the European Medicines Agency. In 2010 Mira joined the Hauté Autorité de Santé (HAS), France, as Deputy Director for Health Technology Assessment and international affairs, in charge of European activities related to relative effectiveness assessment for reimbursement purposes.
She chaired multi-HTA and combined EMA-HTA Scientific Advice for the European Commission and coordinated elaboration of methodology guidelines for EUnetHTA. In 2015, Mira founded Medicines Development and Training (MDT) services (Paris, France) to support clients’ drug development strategies and market access in Europe. She is the NDA Advisory Board member and senior expert for Clever Access. She also teaches regulatory and HTA science at Lisbon University, Portugal.

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