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Development Board
The MAS DB translates our mission into action.

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The Development Board of MAS consists of market access professionals willing to support the organization’s growth and to translate the mission of MAS into action.

Write to us at

We reply to every message.

  • Play a crucial role in the development and growth of MAS as a member of the Development Board.
  • Contribute to the strategic planning and fundraising initiatives to support the mission and vision of MAS.
  • Help shape the financial sustainability and resource allocation strategies of MAS.
  • Build relationships and partnerships with potential sponsors, donors, and funding organizations.
  • Drive fundraising campaigns and initiatives to secure financial resources for MAS programs and activities.
  • Collaborate with other board members and stakeholders to identify and pursue funding opportunities.
  • Gain valuable experience in nonprofit governance, fundraising, and resource management.
  • Network with influential individuals and organizations in the market access and philanthropic sectors.
  • Have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the financial stability and growth of MAS.
  • Contribute to the long-term sustainability and success of MAS in advancing the market access field.